Friday, July 30, 2010

Happy Abs Day: Shemar Moore

My previous Happy Abs Day post was dedicated to Bradley Cooper. Today for lack of inspriration I am going to dedicate Happy Abs Day to another actor again. I will try and come up with a more original theme in the near future but at the moment with a very busy social life and reading schedule you'll have to do with some of my favorite actors. Today feast your eyes on Mr. Shemar Moore.
Just as Bradley caught my eye in a TV series so did Mr. Shemar Moore and while searching for the name of the soap series he first wowed me in (I will share this info later on) I discovered that Mr Moore is half DUTCH!!! He has a Dutch mom and an African American dad. I always said off-spring of white and black turn out to be some of the best specimens of mancandy on this planet ;) The first language he learned was Dutch as he didn't learn English until he was 5!!!! Are you as surprised as I am??

Okay, back to the subject at hand now...the soap series I was looking for was THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS. This soap was aired for a very, very brief moment in time on Dutch television some years ago and this is where I first saw Shemar. Then TV crime shows addict that I am I started watching CRIMINAL MINDS and hey.....there was Mr Shemar "Hottie" Moore again! I'm not saying I watch CM for him but if he were to leave the series I am sure I will enjoy it a lot less than I do with him in it.

Enough of the Pearl blabbering...I know you guys want some pics...after all this is Happy Abs Day.

I'm starting off with some non-abs ones, just because I feel like it and I am a woman who notices other stuff than abs first *wink*

Look at that smile, look at those pecs, look at those arms!! And tell me you don't want to haul him off somewhere, fog up those glasses and have your merry (dirty) way with him. I dare you!

And now what you all have been waiting for: ABS!! Shemar Moore's delicious, delectable, bite- and lickable ABS!

And now my favorite of the bunch...I could stare dreamily at this one for hours and hours and hours...and hours and hours...

Happy Abs Day and Happy Drooling! 


  1. Love love love Shemar...

    I even have one with him NEKKID......

    Thanks for jump starting my morning...


  2. LOL I found the naked one too, but I like to leave something to the imagination...most of the time ;)

    And you're welcome!

  3. Holy WOW!!!

    I love the one of him sat lounging back in just jeans. NOM!!!

    oH what a beautiful morning!!!! HEHE!

    HAPPY ABS DAY PEARL!!! gurl you done good!

  4. I love Shemar he's just so hot. He has the cutest smile.
