Thursday, July 15, 2010

Interview: We have Kathryne Kennedy at the mansion

Hi Kathryne :) Welcome here at the ROOB mansion! I would say; get yourself comfy, I’ll fix us something to drink and nibble on and let’s get talking about this new exciting series of yours!

Q: First of all, could you divulge a bit about the concept of THE ELVEN LORDS series?

It revolves around seven mad elven who opened the doorway into the human world, and took over England, carving it into seven sovereignties, each rich with their own magical power: fire, sea & sky, illusion, gemstone, earth, metal, and forest. They use human slaves to fight their wars for possession of the king, who has become nothing more than a trophy. They breed with humans to create champions for their games, and these half-breeds have formed a secret Rebellion with the humans to regain England’s freedom. Each book is the love story of a couple that significantly manages to attain that goal.

Q: How did you prepare yourself for setting up a new fantasy series, is it pure imagination or is there a lot of research involved too?

A bit of both. I had to do a lot of research into the eighteenth century, so I had it fixed in my head before I started writing.

Q: I’ve read on various occasions that this new series is darker and more sexy then your Relic Of Merlin series, if so, what do you consider to be more dark and sexy? What can the readers expect?

There are concepts in THE ELVEN LORDS that are difficult for me to write about. A sadistic father who tortures his son. A heroine who is a killer. A secret so evil that my hero has difficulty accepting it, even knowing the evil of the elven lords. So I was concerned that these elements might prove too dark for readers of the RELICS series. Thankfully, I think readers realize that it’s part of the characters and this new world. As far as more sexy, I think THE FIRE LORD’S LOVER has a lot of sensual scenes, more than I’ve ever written before, but I don’t believe the entire series is any more so. That said, the magic within this world allows me to create some unusual love scenes.

Q: I don’t know yet about other readers but Dominic Raikes was the jackpot for me as a leading male. Have you had many comments about him and what are his strengths and weaknesses?

As I had hoped, readers seem to have fallen as much in love with him as I did. He’s the most tortured hero I’ve written to date…literally. His strengths and weaknesses are many, but I think his greatest strength is his strong heart…which proves to be his greatest weakness, as well.

Q: There are many romantic and sexy moments in The Fire Lord’s Lover, which one is your favorite and can you give us a quote of it?

When I read this question, I wondered if we had the same scene in mind. I wrote an entire blog post about it for my virtual tour, and here’s a bit of the quote I used (I should mention for those who haven’t read the book that Dominic has the magical gift of fire, and there are varying degrees of heat, the yellow being gentle and warm):

Dominic called down one yellow flame, his eagerness making it dance and swirl. It touched her shoulder, made a circling motion, and her arm twitched at the gentle tickling heat. He called down another, sweeping the flame against the curve of her back. The next one he brought to her neck, made it curve beneath the fall of her hair and weave its way through the satiny strands of golden brown.
He envied his fire, for he wanted nothing more than to trace his own fingers across the paths on which he sent them. But he could touch her in a thousand places at once with the myriad flames, and it brought him pleasure to imagine her own. So he sent the tiny flickers to her more quickly. Some to warm her back.
More to weave within her hair. Yellow flames wove between her fingers, lightly moving her hands as they spun within her palms.
She pretended to ignore them.
Dominic traced her cheek with flame, eased more across her lips, and imagined his own mouth upon them when she sighed. He made the flames catch thcovers and lift them up, draw them down her body until he could see the curve of her hip, the long length of her legs, the small soles of her feet. A small shiver went through her from the chill air, and he quickly sent more whorls of yellow to caress her legs, play with her toes, flick over her hips.
He narrowed his eyes in concentration as she continued to ignore his magic, ruthlessly skimming her bottom with tendrils of flame, finally sending some to tickle the crease between her buttocks.
Cassandra let out a startled yelp and flipped onto her back.
Dominic continued to play with his fire as if he stroked the keys of some erotic instrument, his entire being caught up in bringing pleasure to his wife.
He hadn’t realized what intense satisfaction it would bring him.

Q: The Elven Lords themselves are highly intriguing creatures, can you tell a bit more about them?

The elven are beautiful beings (inspired by Legolas in Lord of the Rings) with grace, strength and natural talents unequaled in humans. And they have powerful magic, enhanced on earth by the seven scepters that they stole from their homeland. The seven are considered mad by their own people. They were bored with the peaceful land of Elfhame, longing for the challenge and excitement of a world constantly filled with strife, and looked to the human world. In many ways the elven are an exploration for me into the concept of peace, and whether it is truly attainable.

Q: What are the pros and cons of writing fantasy romance?

There are truly no cons for me…I love fantasy! But there are challenges to writing it. I can find myself overwhelmed by the limitless possibilities. My world has to be logical enough to make sense to my reader. I have to watch for small mistakes in the rules that I have established. I have to make a fantastical world feel truly real.

Q: What did you do to unwind from writing The Fire Lord’s Lover?

I’ll let you know as soon as that happens. :}

Q: What’s in store for us readers from Kathryne Kennedy in the near future?

Book two in THE ELVEN LORDS series, titled THE LADY OF THE STORM. I think you can guess whose story it is, after reading book one. :} My hero is cursed with a magic sword and my heroine with a power that she fears. In THE FIRE LORD’S LOVER, my h/h discover a clue to defeat the elven lords. In THE LADY OF THE STORM, my h/h brings you to the source of magic. And for book three (currently untitled) my h/h discover the true key to Elfhame.

Kathryne, thank for letting me pick your brain for a moment and talk about this awesome new series!!

It was my pleasure, Leontine. Thank you so much for having me!
General info:


Kathryne Kennedy's historical fantasy romances have garnered awards and a growing readership. This exciting new series, set against the lavish backdrops of Georgian and Victorian England so beloved by romance readers, is deliciously dark and exciting.

Fighting for control of a kingdom that is split into seven domains, Elven warlords use their human slaves to breed an endless supply of soldiers for their armies. Dominic Raikes, the half-blood son of the Elven Lord himself is one such warrior. Betrothed to Lady Cassandra, who has been raised in a convent to keep her pure, he little suspects that she's been secretly trained as an assassin to murder his father. Dominic and Cassandra soon discover that each one is not what they seem, but the price of trust may be their very lives, and the destruction of the magical realm each is desperately trying to save…

Kathryne Kennedy is a multipublished, award-winning author of magical romances. She’s lived in Guam, Okinawa, and several states in the U.S., and currently lives in Arizona with her wonderful family—which includes two very tiny Chihuahuas. She welcomes readers to visit her website where she has ongoing contests at:

Barnes and Noble
Kathryne’s Bookseller Directory

Leontine's review of THE FIRE LORD'S LOVER



  1. Nice interview!

    Hi Kathryne,
    Oh yes Legolas, this book made me wanna watch Lotr again, I really must do it.

    I did wonder, are you gonna write something about Elfhame, or are the elves there just as bad?

  2. Hi Blodeuedd! It's a pleasure to hear from you again! Elfhame is a land of peace, which is why the elven consider the seven quite mad to long for war and domination. We will get a peek into their world, but that's about it...unless something inspires me to enter Elfhame in later books. :} Thanks so much for your interest!

  3. Hello Leontine! And thank you so much for having me here today! I'm looking forward to talking with you and your readers, but it may be a bit before I can check back in. My DH had a heart attack a few days ago (my real life has seen more trauma in the last year than my own characters) and I'm hoping to bring him home today. I will respond to all comments though, just not so often.
    My best,

  4. Ho Kathryne, I really enjoyed reading this new book, and am looking forward to the next ones. I also enjoy your relic of Merlin series a lot. So I hope you spend a lot of your time writing :) so I can read lots of your books, and not have to wait too long between them.

    I am curious about the dragons, will their part grow in the next books?


  5. Sorry to hear that your DH had a heart attack. Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you. Hope that things improve. Thanks for taking the time to share with us.

  6. Sorry to hear about your DH. Hope he will be better real soon. I really enjoy your Relics of Merlin Series and I am looking forward to reading this one as well.

  7. Hi Kathryne,

    Sorry to hear about your DH, I hope he will recover soon.

    I love your Relics of Merlin Series and I am looking forward to read The Fire Lord's Lover.

  8. Hi Aurian! So great to hear you enjoy my books so much! In book two of The Elven Lords, we don't see too much of the dragons, although they will play a major part in book three. Thank you so much for the great question!

    Hi Pat! Thank you so much for your kind words. Talking with people like you helps relieve some of the stress and worry. So it's my pleasure to be here.

    Hi Cherie J! Thank you so much for the good wishes. I will pass them on to my DH.

    Hi Marissa! Thank you as well for the good wishes. I do hope you enjoy the new series.

  9. I hope you have your DH home by now and that he is doing well. Hopefully he will make a full recovery in short order. Take good care of yourself. We often forget to do that when we are worried about or caring for someone we love.

    I have the first two books in the Merlin's Relics series. This new series sound intriguing. Good interview.
    This is very different from what I have read so far. Am looking forward to checking it out.
    librarypat AT comcast DOT net

  10. Hi again librarypat! Thanks so much for your concern. You are certainly right. :} I'm excited to hear that you are reading the Relics'll have to let me know if you enjoyed them.

    Thanks to everyone who is following on my blog tour! And thanks again to Leontine for having me here today. As always, it was a genuine pleasure!

  11. Hi kathryne, I had so much fun with this interview and that romantic moment *grin* Yeah it was one of my most favortie ones!! I'm eagerly anticipating BTM and...wel actually, I'm looking forward to all your books LOL Thanks again for the wonderful answers! And as for your significant other; may the healing come for him on swift wings!! Take care of each other!!

  12. HI Kathryne,

    A bit late in responding and first off I hope your DH will recover soon, I'll light a candle tonight and some archangel Raphael incense to send some healing waves your way.

    I'm at the moment reading Enchanting the lady and relishing in this wonderful story and ofcourse adore the fact I have a few books left untouched on my shelves by your hand so I can enjoy the next and the next rofl!! That's one of the plussides when one is a bit behind on her reading ;-).

    This book is on my radar as well and I'm really looking forward to dive into your elven-world. Great interview!!!!


  13. Hi Kathryn! Wow, This series is going to be so unique! Love this all! Did you have the details all planned out before you started the books? You set up a whole world that, for me, will be so new! I read a bit of "Merlin" in a book here and there but nothing like this. I'm excited! I'm so glad there will be more to the series (hoping for a few!) Did you do some research for your series? I know when I read some, that they can incorporate some mythology or legend and I so love learning about them. I learn more now from the romance I read!

    cathiecaffey @ gmail. com
