Friday, August 27, 2010

Happy Abs Day: Celebs in Black & White

Time flies when you're having fun because once again it's my turn for Happy Abs Day. I keep saying this but these posts are even harder for me to do than writing reviews. I am just not that visually inclined and definitely challenged in the creative department. But I have managed to concoct something once again...*wipes brow*

This week I wanted to do a collage of black and white pics of abs and while browsing for those images I found a few special ones and decided to dedicate this week's Happy Abs to some celebs who have some great abs AND look yummy in black & white.

And for the fun of it, I haven't put names to the pictures. Some of course are easy to recognize but let's see if you can name them all for me?

Happy Ogling!

1 comment:

  1. You actually am asking for my brain to function when looking at a canvas full of man candy and abs? Pearl, that's torture!

    One is..I think LL Cool J? Of course I would recognize McSteamy...aka Eric Dane and oohhhh the one on the left with the button of his jeans open...I know him from a TV it Numbers or Criminal Minds??
