Friday, August 20, 2010

Happy Abs Day: Construction Workers

Today I want to workers. Since Tuesday this week I've got them buzzing around my apartment complex. And yes, they are buzzing cause I'm their queen bee and they are the workers LOL You're not laughing? Dang, it is a bad attempt on my part to be humorous *sigh*

So I was all ready to let you see some snap shots of these hunks but Sam fried my digi camera @#$%^@#$%^#$%^ *mutters more* I've got no idea how he did it but I took his picture while he was enjoying the panorama from the house he's fixing and poof, there my camera went, I barely got the picture of him on my pc and now my camera is making weird noises.  

So I'm afraid you'll have to do with just one picture from the construction workers in my street! I must confess, Sam is the best among the lot of them *grin* So I'll give him to you extra large so you can ogle every feature he has to give you *grin*

Have a great friday everyone, I'm off to prepare for a great weekend and a sleep over at my sis next week :)


  1. Uhm... Leontine, I must be honest here and say I'm a little bit disappointed, just a little bit...
    Because I saw the title in my Blogger Dashboard and got all giddy and ready for some yummy pics of construction workers and just got this one...okay it's a verrrry nice pic but still with your collection of yummy abs I wanted MORE construction workers LOL

    Have a great weeekend hon!


  2. @Pearl - If I could give you more construction workers, I would, believe me!! But after 40 minutes of searching I got tired and my folders don't have any construction workers...just lots of half nekkid men ;)

  3. I would settle for the half naked men!!! **Big grins** But I love the image you gave me for my Friday morning!!!
    Love the story and yeah you had me giggling!!!
    Love you honey!
    Hugs! Happy Friday!

  4. Well one image or not I lo-hove him and uhhhm I think I can manage to find some work for him to do around the house if you could spare him a moment.... I'll trade you one of my gardeners ;-)

  5. SAMMMMMM!!!!!!!! :)
    One pic of him is just fine by me..he is gorgeous.

    Tristan and Aidan might get a little jealous you featured Sam over here and not them ;)

  6. @Sabrina lmao yea I know, and those likable enough to do so never do!!!!

  7. One thing is for sure, i have the same taste as Pearl and is't gonna gost me money! ;-)
