Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Happy 2012!


Hello book readers, -writers and friends of ROOB,

Time does fly by rather quickly! We remember like the day of yesterday that January 1, 2011 came to meet us, but here we stand on January 4th 2012, with a new year ahead of us, like a book yet to be written, the pages blank, and adventures still layed out as planns in our head, but adventurous 2012 will be.

2011 has been a year of changes for us all at Realms On Our Bookshelves, personally as well as professionally. Drastic and dramatic turnarounds had us jiggling our schedules and timetables, reading became a bit more dormant, but now that we are settled in our "new" lives we wanted to pick things up again at the ROOB-blog.

So many great upcoming bookreleases are just around the corner from best-selling authors to debut-authors, which we are ofcourse all looking forward to.

Here are a few to look forward to in the next few months:

Ofcourse many more are to be released and will be mentioned in future blogposts.

So what will 2012 hold in store for us one might wonder? Well so do we. We are planning on weekly posting containing ofcourse bookreviews, book-pimping and ocassionally author-interviews, contests or whatever idea comes to play around in our minds. We want to be more active again and liven up our blog. We know we've been neglecting it a bit and honestly said it felt lonely, but our blog needs to cry no more, we're back and will give it the loving warmth we've always given it before.

We have to pleasure to tell you us ROOB-girls will all attend the Love Letter Convention in Germany, Berlin in June this year. We are very excited about that and are ofcourse looking very much forward to meeting the attending authors and fellow booklovers our there!

We all hope you had a marvellous Christmas and sparkling festive new year and wish you all a happy, healthy, loving but most of all a bookaliscious 2012!

Love always,

The ROOB-girls

Leontine, Marissa, Natascha & Pearl

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