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Thursday, November 4, 2010

Review Request Julia Rachel Barrett - Exile

Publisher: Resplendence Publishing
Available: July 13, 2010
Erotic Fantasy Romance
Purchase at: Resplendence Publishing

Cover Summary:
Aja Bokinan, of noble blood, is the Thousand Year Empress who has grown to adulthood in exile. Throughout the Empire, women are banned from public life, have no legal rights, and have become little better than property.

In an attempt to kill off the royal line and end all resistance, Aja is kidnapped by a General who intends to inject her with a lethal virus, hoping she will infect her family and Women of the Blood everywhere.

Kyr Aram, is a smuggler and secret resistance fighter. He must find a way to protect Aja from both the General and a traitor on his own ship who wishes to see her dead. With the Thousand Year Empress, he gets more than he bargained for.

My Review: EXILE is an introduction to a hierarchy where women inherit the powers. Over the course of time unrest begins to play havoc among the men and some will fight the female leadership till the bitter end, splitting the races up in the Coalition and the Resistance. The Empress and her three daughters have escaped their exile and this is where I meet one of those daughter; Aja and a ship’s captain; Kyr, who is trying to avoid an encounter with the Coalition.

Julia Rachel Barrett plunges the reader in an escape and from there on out it is a constant evading of traitors and enemies. If there is one thing that grabbed my attention it is the compelling set-up of a pre-dominant female hierarchy and the scheming for the freedom of the Empress and her daughters. Throughout the story much information of the race’s history and current situation is conveyed via Aja herself. This provided a natural and accessible way for me to understand what happened in the past, how it affected the here and now, and what dangers their inherent powers present.

This is but the first story in an overarching storyline but in EXILE the thrill of the chase; will they, or won’t they make it to safety created some dire circumstances. The fact that Kyr and Aja needed to get to safety also spiced up the romance, which alternated between endearing and fiery but also had a few bumps in the road. The back story and world building took away pages from the romance which made the chemistry between Aja and Kyr work but the depth of emotion poured out of them by the end wasn’t something I could surrender completely to. If the romance would’ve been given a bit more room or pages it would’ve become all the more credible regarding the trust issues and the sharing of powers.

Aja was the stronger character in EXILE, just as her race intended her to be. She is a Seer, born and bred of the Blood. She knows her duties but it is fueled by an inner compassionate force and she took me in to her culture, which I enjoyed to the fullest. Now Kyr is a born and bred hero, a leader, strong, capable and fierce if need be and his charisma alluring. Aja was flanked by Kyr, who became her consort in every way and together they were a likable couple.

Julia Rachel Barrett’s imagination concocted an intriguing world, a new culture and customs that isn’t intricate but holds everything to make it come alive on the pages. I’m always up for a good battle where I can cheer for my team, live the tension, feel the passion ignite between two people and receive a romantic high at the end, and while I gotten some elements in a better dosage then others this author has just started in this novella series.

With EXILE I received a story that contains an intriguing start to the Daughters Of Persephone series!


Julia Rachel Barrett said...

Thanks, Leontine. Lovely review!

Blodeuedd said...

Lol, weird man in the background always makes me giggle

Katalina Leon said...

Ms. Barrette always offers a little something extra. The romance is always hot but there is thought here as well. Good Sci-fi needs a social or political dynamic to drive it forward and Ms. Barrette provides it.

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Calendar October:
We celebrate our fourth anniversary YAY
1 star: Too many flaws and not worthy of your time.

2 stars: An average story with no surprises.

3 stars: An interesting and entertaining story.

4 stars: A riveting and gripping reading experience.

5 stars: A story that is the ultimate reader's high and very addictive.
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