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Leontine's Booktip
Leontine's Booktip
Anya Bast - Jeweled (erotic romance novel)
Marissa's Booktip
Marissa's Booktip
Darkest Highlander - Dark Sword 6
Natascha's Booktip
Natascha's Booktip
Denise Rossetti - The Lone Warrior
Pearl's Booktip
Pearl's Booktip
Futuristic/Paranormal Romance: Gena Showalter - Ecstasy in Darkness (Alien Huntress, book 5)
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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

ROOB-blog inactive till further notice

Realms On Our Bookshelves is in mourning due to the extremely unexpected passing away, last Monday, of the husband one of our founding members Leontine.

Until further notice there will be no updates or posts as we try and deal with this loss and unfairness that life has chosen to cast upon our dear friend and sister.

Natascha, Marissa & Pearl


Portia Da Costa said...

My heartfelt condolences to Leontine on her tragic loss.

Blodeuedd said...

My heart goes out to her for her loss. I am lost for words.

SarahT said...

I am so terribly sorry to hear this. My condolences to Leontine, her family and to everyone at ROOB.

Anonymous said...

How very sad. May her family and friends help her to find the strength she'll need. My thoughts are with you all.

Bridgemama on Twitter said...

My Sympathy to Leontine. It is so hard to understand when someone we love is taken from us far too soon. I can promise you that the grief you feel now does get better. It takes a lot of time and many tears, but it does get better.

Lou said...

My deepest condolences to Leontine, family and friends for this tragic loss. My heart goes out to you all.

SusiSunshine said...

I'm so sorry. ((huge hugs))
I wish you all the strength you need.

Twimom227 said...

My love and prayers to Leontine and her family. And to you wonderful friends who will be there to support her through this unimaginable ordeal. You are all in my thoughts.
With love and sympathy, Jen

A Buckeye Girl Reads said...

My deepest sympathies to Leontine and her family. Please let her know that we are all there for her.

Hugs to all of you who are helping her through this and I can't imagine the loss this is for all of you.

Diana said...

I am so very sorry for her loss. I will keep Leontine and her family in my prayers.

Penny Watson said...

This is horrible news. I am so, so sorry for Leontine. Praying for her.

Patti (@TheLoveJunkee) said...

I will keep Leontine and her family in my prayers, as well as her wonderful friends who are there for her to lean on in this difficult time.

Stacy~ said...

I am so, so sorry to hear this. My most sincere & heartfelt condolences to Leontine's and her family, as well as to the rest of ROOB. My thoughts & prayers are with you. (((hugs)))

jaymzangel said...

I am so very sorry to hear this. My deepest sympathy to Leontine & the families involved. Sending many prayers & much love your direction.

Elaine G said...

Oh Leontine I am so sorry to hear this. My condolences to you and your family.Know we are here if you need us.You are in my thoughts and prayers.(hugs)

Joely Sue Burkhart said...

Oh, I'm so sorry! ((((Leontine)))) Your family is in my prayers.

Cecile Smutty Hussy said...

Omg, my prayers, thoughts, heart and soul are with you all. Please know even though I may live a thousand miles away, if you need anything... I'm here.

Sophia (FV) said...

Leontine I am so sorry honey. Please know you are in my thoughts. ((hugs))

Bells said...

Leontine I am so sorry to hear about this. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family. *hugs*

ms bookjunkie said...

My condolences. *sends hugs to all*

Nicole said...

I am so sorry to hear that. My thoughts and prayers will be with all of you during this hard time.

Mandi said...

I am so sorry to hear this. My thoughts are with you Leontine.

KT Grant said...

Leontine! ((HUGS)) Sorry is not enough. My prayers are with you and your family at this time.

Monica Corwin said...

Prayers and love sent your way. I am so sorry for your loss!

Elysabeth Williams said...

I'm so very sorry. You're in my thoughts, Leontine xoxo

Unknown said...

Oh, I'm so sorry to hear this. Please accept my sincerest condolences. My thoughts are with Leontine and her family.

Anonymous said...

Oh I am so so so so so sorry to learn of this news. I am so incredibly sorry for your loss and my prayers and thoughts and BEAR HUGS are with you. All my Love, Pamela

Moira Rogers - Bree said...

So very, very sorry. All of my thoughts and best wishes to you and yours.

Tracy said...

Leontine, My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. You have my deepest sympathy.

lbgregg said...

Leontine, I'm so sorry. (((hugs))) My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Elyssa Papa said...

My deepest sympathies for your loss. I'll be thinking of Leontine and keep her in my thoughts.

Marq said...

I am so sorry for your loss Leontine. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Gigi's Consignment Closet said...

My heart is heavy with the pain of your loss. You and your family are in my prayers Leontine.

Dren said...

Leontine, Words cannot express my heartfelt condolences. I will keep you and your family in prayer during this trying time. Much love and prayers for peace. Adrienne

Ren said...

My condolences to Leontine and her family. Hugs, thoughts and prayers are with you

BookaholicCat said...

So sorry for your loss. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Insane Hussein said...

Leontine, I'm so sorry for your loss! You and your family are in my prayers!

Lynette said...

I'm speechless and anything I say will be totally inadequate as no one who hasn't been there could possibly understand. Just know that I am thinking of you and you are not alone!

All my love.


Has said...

I'm so so sorry :( - My thoughts and prayers go to Leontine and her family. HUGE *HUGS*

Kwana said...

I'm very sorry to hear this. You have my deepest sympathy.

~ Mad ~ said...

I'm so sorry for your loss, Leontine. Hugs!!

Donna Cummings said...

My heartfelt sympathy to you. I hope the love and prayers being sent your way will help ease some of your heartache.

Anonymous said...

I am very sorry for your loss Leontine. There are lots of us thinking of you and your family right now.


Prayers and thoughts go out to Leontine and family for strength to make it through this most difficult time

Renee said...

((Leontine)) So, so sorry, Leontine. You and your family are in my thoughts.

Sally Bibrary said...

My deepest condolences, hon. Words are never enough in these situations, so hugs will have to do. :)

Kele Moon said...

Leontine, I am so very sorry. I'll be thinking of you and sending you thoughts and prayers.



Erotic Horizon said...

Leontine - There are really no words to let you know how sorry I am...

You and your family are in my thoughts...



Aurian said...

I am so sorry to read this news. My heartfelt condolances to you Leontine, and you too Ashleagh.
Ik wens jullie allemaal sterkte gedurende deze vreselijke, moeilijke tijden.

Monica Burns said...

As a writer, these type of heart-wrenching events leave me at a loss as to what to say.

I can only say what its in my heart. I believe that there is a reason for things like this that happen. I also believe that we can't see that reason, nor do we want to at a time like this. But one thing I do know most certainly from experience is this. The heartache will always be there, but in time is will ease and you will remember the wonderful moments, the beautiful times of loving and sharing. The bittersweet will be softened by the knowledge that he will always be alive as long as there's someone to remember him and think of him. His physical presence might be gone but all that he was lies within each life he touched.

You're in my heart and I am sending all the healing light of the Creator's love your way. May he/she hold you close to ease the pain of your loss.


Natascha said...

Hello all,

Thank you all so much for your wonderful healing words and sympathies so far. Though Leontine is, as you all can imagine, completely lost and broken, I wanted to let you all know that your messages are being brought to her through me.

We are trying our best to help her through this and grief the loss of her husband ourselves as well. Our whole family was shocked and still are in disbelieve.

Know that your messages are part of her and our healing process. As soon as Leontine is up for it she will surely type a message as well, this however might take a while yet.

Warm wishes to you all,


Mahlet said...

My thoughts and prayers go out to Leontine and her family for strength & comfort *hugs*

amyt865 said...

My heart breaks for you Leontine, facing this unexpected loss, especially during the holidays. Please know that I pray for strength for you and your family during the difficult days ahead.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry for your loss. My heart goes out to you and your family.

Lily said...

Leontine, I am so very sorry for your loss. You and your family are in my prayers. {{{hugs}}}

Annemiek V said...

Leontine, what a big shock this is! My heart goes out to you and your family. I am so sorry for your loss.

Stacey said...

Thinking of you, Leontine. I'm so very sorry.

maldivianbookreviewer said...

My heartfelt condolences.

Tracy said...

Leontine my thoughts and prayers are with you.

Lori said...

I'm so very very sorry for your loss, Leontine.

Ina said...

My deepest condolences to Leontine *hugs* I'm so very sorry :(

Larissa Ione said...

Oh, Leontine, I'm so sorry for your loss. I wish I could do more to help you through this than mere offer condolences, but please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.

(((hugs))) to all the Roob ladies as well. A friend's loss is painful for you too.

Julie said...

Leontine, I am so so sorry for your loss. I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. xo

Anonymous said...

Leontine, I am so sorry for your loss. You are in my prayers.

orannia said...

Leontine - I don't know what to say. I don't think there are words, but my thoughts are with you.

JennJ said...

Leontine I am so so sorry to hear of your loss I just found out about this or I would have commented sooner. May God be with you during this difficult time. My thoughts and prayers are with you. BIG HUGS

VampFanGirl said...

I've previously sent my love to Leontine on her blog after her heartbreaking post.

I came here to give thanks and to send strength to the three ladies that are the closest to our friend and that you give her the love that we thousands of miles away cannot.

Thank you.

Hugs, Ashley

The extended posse
Meet the Posse



Calendar October:
We celebrate our fourth anniversary YAY
1 star: Too many flaws and not worthy of your time.

2 stars: An average story with no surprises.

3 stars: An interesting and entertaining story.

4 stars: A riveting and gripping reading experience.

5 stars: A story that is the ultimate reader's high and very addictive.
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Realms On Our Bookshelves