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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

ROOB Radar: The cover candy did it!

I'm a lurker around the net and the first thing that usually gets my attention are the slick looking covers with *shallow me* the man candy on it. Still I have discovered a third series published by Casablanca Soursebooks that has not only captured my attention with a hawt cover, but also the blurb grabs my attention. So first up is the Soulfire series by Stephanie Rowe:

Stephanie Rowe - Kiss At Your Own Risk
Mass Market Paperback: 416 pages
Publisher: Sourcebooks Casablanca (January 1, 2011)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 140224195X
ISBN-13: 978-1402241956
Book #1 in Soulfire series
pre-order @ Book Depository

Cover Summary:

Blaine Underhill was one lucky man. Having recently escaped a century and a half of imprisonment at the hands of an evil witch, he's determined to save his still-enslaved friend. But in order to do so, he'll need the help of one of the world's most lethal women.
Trinity Harpswell is sick and tired of being a Black Widow. Having managed to go three years without accidentally killing anyone she loves, she's one short week away from freeing herself from this killer curse forever. When Blaine tracks her down and convinces her to help him, little does Trinity know that the next seven days are going to be murder!

Stephanie Rowe - Touch If You Dare
Soulfire Series, Book #2
Available July 2011

To save their respective siblings, Jarvis Swain and Reina Knight will have to team up to trick Death himself.

Who better than a bad-ass warrior on a mission? Jarvis Swain is the ruthless, confident aggressor Reina knows she needs at her back--someone even she can't screw up. This unlikely darkside duo with impressive deadly superpowers of their own may just prove that two wrongs together can be more than right...

Annette Blair - Vampire dragon
Paperback: 304 pages

Publisher: Berkley (April 5, 2011)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0425240525
ISBN-13: 978-0425240526
Book #3 in A Works Like Magick series
pre-order at: Book Depository

I'm not finding any blurb yet but can you blame me for wanting to post the cover? Ever since Pearl mentioned this series it has been on my radar...I think I know what I'm going to ask Santa for: Naked Dragon and Bedeviled Angel :) I know Blair has a sense for the humor, combine it with dragons and I just have to find out if she can tickle my humorous side (which authors rarely do) I can cry easier then I can laugh *rolls eyes at self*

Though Jacquelyn Frank has not been on my radar for a long time the man candy on the cover of Seduce Me In Dreams captured my attention, is it me or is he the cover candy of late?

Jacquelyn Frank - Seduce Me In Dreams
Mass Market Paperback: 336 pages
Publisher: Ballantine Books (March 22, 2011)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0345517679
ISBN-13: 978-0345517678

Again I can't seem to find a blurb but it seems this is a new series sinds the cover doesn't appear on any of her current series pages of; The Gatherers, The Nightdwellers or The Nightwalkers. With a sub title of; A Three World novel I guess Frank has started another series. Or perhaps a spinn-off? However it turns out, she has turned up on my radar and I'be got another title to watch for 2011. If anyone else has info...just drop a comment, inquisitve minds want to know!!

The only thing that really shocks me right now is that my wishlist for November and December are really scarce of releases I truly want o.0 Anyone has some good releases in those months they truly need to have? please share, my book addiction is in shock of the prospect'that I haven't got anything pre-ordered *eek*


Aurian said...

Hi Leontine, those Stephanie Rowe books truly look and sound great, I will certainly check those out. Annette Blair is a must-read author for me, you will love her style. Jacqueline Frank has also lost me as a reader, but perhaps the new series will get me back. My wishlist for november and december is huge! How come you don't have any? Here it is:
November 2010:
Lisa Kleypas - Christmas Eve at Friday Harbour
Stephanie Laurens - The reckless bride
Nora Roberts – Happy ever after – Bride Quartet 4
Suzanne Enoch - Rules of an engagement
Karen Hawkins - One night in Scotland
Nalini Singh – Play of passion – Psy–Changelings 9
JD Robb – Indulgence in Death - In Death 38
CL Wilson – Crown of Crystal Flame – Tairen Soul 5
Marjorie M. Liu – The stars below – Dirk and Steele 10
Anna Windsor – Captive Spirit
Barbara Bretton – Spun by Sorcery
Anne McCaffrey – Catalyst – Barque Cats 1
Lori Handeland – Marked by the Moon – Night Creature 9
Cheyenne McCray – Vampires not invited – Night Tracker 3
Nora Roberts – The Other Side anthology
Jacquelyn Frank – Drink of me
Susan Krinard – Luck of the Wolf

December 2010:
Laura Childs – Bedeviled Eggs
Kathryn Kennedy - Beneath the thirteen moons
Kresley Cole – Deep kiss of winter
Jude Deveraux – The Scent of Jasmine
Christine Feehan – Ruthless Game
Marjorie M. Liu - In the dark of dreams – Dirk and Steele 11
Anna Windsor – Captive Soul
Anne McCaffrey – Catacombs – Barque Cats 2
Kinley MacGregor – Darkness within – Lords of Avalon 3
Cherry Adair – Undertow

I though you read the Anna Windsor and Kathryn Kennedy books?

Blodeuedd said...

Mmmm looking good there

Sheree said...

Ooh! Jacquelyn Frank's SEDUCE ME IN DREAMS has Paul Marron on the cover! Thanks for letting me know!

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