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Denise Rossetti - The Lone Warrior

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Friday, June 25, 2010

Happy ABS Day: Come join me in my cabana...

Normally I would have no problem whatsoever to create a post containing man-candy but this week the weather lured me to procrastinate in my lounge chair. Of course my lily white skin got a bit of a sun burn but I've finally got the feeling summer has arrived. So in lieu of this I'm going to invite you over to my cabana.

I lazily woke up this morning and left this behind in bed...so okay, I left him a note to come join me in the cabana ASAP! :)

I took a shower and now I'm off to my cabana...

The panorama I've got lounging about in my cabana...

Of course I've got to have a cocktail with his fine weather...

My cabana boy is soaking up some shunshine himself before accomadating my, and your, every wish...

Of course I let him indulge himself as the view isn't too shabby LOL

And my poolboy is inviting everyone to come play in the water...

Now who in the world would refuse him a bit of playtime in the water...not me *splash*

Have a great friday everyone and enjoy the summertime! With many thanks to @Gigib88 for giving me my rumpled sheets man candy (((hugs)))


Marissa said...

O yes, I sooooo longggg for my holiday, just a few more weeks but this sure brings me in the mood, I am joining you in your cabana!!

Elaine G said...

ohhhh very nice..I wish I was the whale..LOL

Natascha said...

A day late but does that mean the Cabana and it's boys are free to play with me now that the sun has finally set upon a warm and humid day... I'm in need for some serious splashing in the pool to cool me down!

Jessa Slade said...

Ohhh... Does it say something about my state of exhaustion that it's the daybed that has me drooling? :) Thanks for the mini vacation.

Cecile Smutty Hussy said...

Oh honey, I am just coming up for air... I have been at your cabana... for a while now, lol... And just was not allowed to say hi!! LMBO!!!!

Girl you are something else, I love this post!!!
Hugs to you honey!!!
I hope you had a great weekend!

Leontine said...

@Marissa - Yes, join me and your vacation is hopefully going to give you the same view :)

@Elaing8 - I had the same reaction, or at least that I got to play with it and him!

@Natascha - This week its soooo going to be hot and long for pool playtime.

@Jessa Slade - You're welcome! I just wanted to be lazy in my cabana and play with the men ;)

@Cecile - I knew you were here but that one of the cabana boys instantly secreted you away from us! You saucy wench!

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Calendar October:

We celebrate our fourth anniversary YAY


1 star: Too many flaws and not worthy of your time.

2 stars: An average story with no surprises.

3 stars: An interesting and entertaining story.

4 stars: A riveting and gripping reading experience.

5 stars: A story that is the ultimate reader's high and very addictive.

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